Potenciais Orientadores e Linhas de Pesquisa | 06/03/2025 23:42:14 | |
Área de Concentração | Orientador Curriculum LATTES | Orientações | Publicações registradas no Repositório Digital do IPEN | Linha de Pesquisa | |
1 | TNM Materiais | Dr. ESTEVAM VITORIO SPINACE espinace@ipen.br http://lattes.cnpq.br/2571778353661960 | Pós-Graduação : Andamento Concluido Iniciação Científica : Andamento Concluido | Todas | "N06.01 - ENERGIAS RENOVÁVEIS - CÉLULAS A COMBUSTÍVEL
Energias renováveis"
Focus is given to the development of electrocatalysts (metal nanoparticles supported on carbon) by different methodologies and applicable in low temperature fuel cells having methanol, ethanol, ethylene glycol or ammonia as fuel. Catalysts (metalnanoparticles) supported on oxides are also developed for the preferential oxidation of carbon monoxide in hydrogen rich-mixtures (PROX reaction). Studies are carried out towards investigating the effect of composition, size, structure and morphologyon the catalytic performance. Palavras-chave: Eletrocatalisadores, celulas a combustivel; electrocatalysts; fuel cells |